
List of available commands:

  • check: validates an existing environment descriptor.
  • deploy deploys a new environment (validate descriptor, create infrastructure, install OS + orchestrator and deploy stacks).
  • dump: dumps the effective environment descriptor (fully aggregated and templated).
  • help: displays a list of the available commands or display help on a particular command.
  • version: displays the Ekara version.

You can use the -h or --help option on any command to get further help.


This command fetch and validates an environment model:

$ ekara check <repository-url> [options]


  • repository-url: the URL of the repository where the main environment descriptor is located.


  • -u --user <user-name>: the user to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -p --password <user-password>: the password to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -v --vars <vars-file>: location of the external variables file that will be used for templating.

This is a command requiring a Docker daemon. It also accepts Docker options.


This command deploys a new environment or updates it if it already exists. It goes through the following steps:

  1. Validation of the environment descriptor (same as the check command),
  2. Creation of the infrastructure,
  3. Installation and configuration of the OS + orchestrator,
  4. Deploy the software stacks.

    $ ekara deploy <repository-url> [options]


  • repository-url: the URL of the repository where the main environment descriptor is located.

Main options:

  • -u --user <user-name>: the user to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -p --password <user-password>: the password to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -v --vars <vars-file>: location of the external variables file that will be used for templating.
  • -l --logs: turn on the installer logs on the console (otherwise logs are only written in a file named installer.log)
  • --public-key <path> Path to the public key to be used for remote node access (if none given a key will be generated and written in output directory).
  • --private-key <path> Path to the private key key to be used for remote node access (if none given a key will be generated and written in output directory).

Example with parameter file and logs:

$ ekara deploy -v vars.yaml -l

Two subcommands are available, taking the same arguments and options:

  • create-only: this will stop the process at the end of step 2 (creation of the infrastructure).
  • install-only: this will stop the process at the end of step 3 (installation of the OS + orchestrator).


This command dumps the effective environment descriptor (fully aggregated and templated):

$ ekara dump <repository-url> [flags]


  • repository-url: the URL of the repository where the main environment descriptor is located.

Main options:

  • -u --user <user-name>: the user to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -p --password <user-password>: the password to use for authenticated repositories.
  • -v --vars <vars-file>: location of the external variables file that will be used for templating.

This is a command requiring a Docker daemon. It also accepts Docker options.


This command displays a list of the available commands:

$ ekara help [command]


  • command: if specified, displays help on this particular command.


This command displays the versions of the command-line executable:

$ ekara version

The command-line executable always use the latest tag of the installer Docker image. You can force a tag with the --installer-tag option.